Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Gilgamesh and Odyssey Essay

Gilgamesh is an ancient poem that significantly marked its name as somehow being the first major heroic narrative in the world literature. Fractions of this literature were discovered uniquely carved in tablets even before the Roman, Hebrew and Greek civilization appeared. Gilgamesh depicts a unique and propinquity story of Gilgamesh and his companion Enkidu that transcribed a complex and moving gist of bonds of friendship, of the pursuit for prominence and of the enduring and timeless attempt to escape death, of which considered to be the common fate of humankind. On the other hand, Odyssey, an epic story by Homer, is concerned on the idyllic events proceeded after a war and mainly on the significant return of the heroes who survived the war. The main subject of this written epic work somehow focus on the enduring, drawn-out return of one of the heroes named Odysseus of Ithaca, whose fate is to amble in unknown seas for ten years before he returned to his rocky kingdom. This paper will provide detailed and comprehensive comparison between the two main characters from both epics Gilgamesh and Odyssey. Motivation, goals, self-control, pride, outside influences, behaviors and personal and social relationships will serve as points of comparison being grasped in this paper. Motivation and Goals Gilgamesh, as described in the transcription, was provided with bizarre and astonishing strength, courage, and beauty by his divine and great creator. He is portrayed to be more of a god than a man. These characteristics of him profoundly surpass all circumstances all throughout his journey, a journey that significantly paved the greatest aspiration that probably mankind would have wanted – how to escape the universal fate of the human race. Simply, Gilgamesh wanted to run away from death and have eternal life. One of the tablets inscribed the mere dialogue between Gilgamesh and Utanapishtim (The Distant One). Utanapishtim is descriptively the wisest man who ever lived. Gilgamesh’s search for eternal life led him to ask Utanapishtim the greatest question, how to escape the universal fate of mankind? On a tablet transcribing such meeting, Gilgamesh apparently questions Utanapishtim of how did the latter join the ranks of the gods and find eternal life, though Gilgamesh described him not different; physically indifferent and yet his eart drained of battle spirit. And as response to the wondering question of Gilgamesh, Utanapishtim told him the â€Å"story of the flood†. Utanapishtim profoundly stated that he was commanded to build a boat to save everyone from the wrath of a devastating flood made by a god named Enlil, the chief god living on earth to wipe out human race. This story somehow illustrates events similar to the biblical script â€Å"Noah’s Ark†. The punishment to human race by Enlil gave Utanapishtim the opportunity to have eternal life. Gilgamesh’s greatest achievement though was bringing back to the human race this untold and unknown story. Gilgamesh, by some means, got hold of a plant that can likely grant rebirth to those who eats it, but unfortunately, a serpent stole it from him. With greater wisdom, Gilgamesh returned to Uruk knowing that only the gods are immortal. The goal of seeking immortality is what made both Gilgamesh and Odysseus, from Homer’s epic Odyssey, distinct and divergent with each other. Unlike Gilgamesh, whose goal is to seek and find answers on how to become immortal, Odysseus’s goal, on the hand, is merely the fact that he wants to find his way back home after a long and bloody war. During his voyage towards home, several temptations tested his mental qualities and physical endurance. Circe offered him the Lotus flower that endows forgetfulness of home and family. The greatest temptation however is offered by the goddess Calypso, whom he spent his seven years with – immortality. Instead of accepting such promising offer of immortality, he somehow denied such and still chooses the human conditions in spite of struggles, difficulties, disappointments and even its foreseeable death. Odysseus’s motivational force that drives his willingness to go back home is his wife, Penelope. Self-control Gilgamesh was first described as a king without self-control, rash and violent. People of Uruk, his kingdom, often complained about his absence of self-control towards oppressiveness to the Sumerian gods. Due to this aggressiveness, the gods created Enkidu as counterweight to Gilgamesh. But surprisingly, both Gilgamesh and Enkidu became best of friends; they fought together in every battles and wars, and found in each other the true companion they both sought. In an event where both took an adventure to seek universal fame and immortality pictures out the harsh and uncontrollable oppression to the gods overwhelmingly end the curtain to Enkidu. Enkidu’s death and his continuous and sole journey to seek immortality cause personal transformation. This change and transformation broaden his perception towards greater acceptance and recognition of reality and man’s mortality. On the other hand, Odysseus has extreme sense of self-control. Within the epic story, his remarkable self-control was described and admired. Again, during his adventures on the voyage home, his mental abilities and his physical endurance were tested. Instances occurred that tempted him to descend from his struggle towards home. A Lotus flower is said to suggest forgetfulness of home and family. Circe, goddess of magic, offered a pleasant life in the island of Lotus eaters. In the Phaeacia, he once offered the love and marriage of a young princess. Calypso is an immortal goddess whom Odysseus spent his life with for seven years offered the most significant and most tempting proposal, which probably all of mankind cannot resist. Calypso offered eternal life for Odysseus that will make him immortal. But all of these temptations were single-handedly denied by Odysseus as he preferred more to be mortal and be human amidst varied struggles, disappointments and the predictable end called death. Self-control might be a struggle for every man, but if every man has the drive to hold on to their will and embrace limitation, it will never be too late or too impossible to resist and deny any temptations. Pride The story of Gilgamesh started out as depiction of his arrogance of power. Because of his extraordinary capabilities endowed to him by his divine creator, his egotism of power endangered the relationship between mankind and the Summerian gods. To end Gilgamesh’s arrogance and injustices, gods then created Enkidu. His arrogance and pride concerning his power and unusual capabilities were continuously tested all throughout their journey in quest of rejuvenation of life and immortality. But then again, as mentioned earlier the previous section, after Enkidu’s death changed his perception not only towards man’s mortality but also the perception of one-self. One of the most significant limitations that Odysseus possesses is his pride which Odysseus had much. Part of the story somehow depicted Odysseus’s pride, particularly on the Cyclops’ island. When Odysseus and his men escaped safely from the island, Odysseus surprisingly brags and boasts about his exploit. Cyclops heard him and tossed huge rocks into the ship and some almost sing the ship. Effect of circumstances surrounding the character There are several external influences that bounds and affects the transformation of the once-known arrogant and violent king of Uruk. Due to the egoistic personality of Gilgamesh, it resulted to the discontentment and complaints from his people in which Summerian God interfered. The effect of these external events somehow paved a new path towards the overall impacts of Gilgamesh’s journey that led to his transformation from an arrogant king to a more unselfish and wisdom-filled individual. Another circumstance that greatly affected the character is the death of his supposed and destined enemy, Enkidu. Enkidu was a god-like mortal created by the gods intended to end Gilgamesh’s injustices and arrogance. Both somehow became friends and found a true and deep bond of friendship with each other. Death of his friend allowed him to solely seek answers for mankind’s immortality, which led him to his astonishment that there should no more battle to be fought and needs answers not surpassing violent circumstances. His continuous journey to seek answer guided him to Unatapishtim, the Divine One who could answer Gilgamesh’s wonderings, and which that this Divine One is blessed with immortality and abundance from the gods. Their conversation drew in new and significant events of the Divine One that gave him unending mortality. This occurrence surprisingly influenced and changed Gilgamesh’s perception on man’s mortality and broadens his acceptance to reality. Odysseus’s journey back home from the Trojan War somehow had endowed circumstances that might affect his own beliefs and characteristics. For example, when tempted by different immortal goddesses, most especially on the offering by Calypso to have everlasting and unending existence, he still grasps tightly to his humanity and instead chose to be human than immortal. His faith and dedication somehow proved that every obstacles and disappointments can be surpassed if he is optimistic enough to exceed and outdo every ounce of it. Behaviors In the beginning of the story, Gilgamesh’s subservient behavior is steered by his own self-contentment and self-sufficiency. Arrogant, violent, harsh, and no self-control are self-seeking behaviors and characteristics being affixed to the king, in which all these opened doors to discontentment and dissatisfaction from people. Gilgamesh’s behavior guided him to destruction. This ego-centric manner blinded Gilgamesh from reality that his conscious tried to make him see. For an instance, Gilgamesh tried to strike down on Ishtar during their second adventure to Cedar Forest with Enkidu. Ishtar cannot handle Gilgamesh’s harsh rejection and provoked to send the Bull of Heaven against the people of Uruk. Although they succeeded, it brought terrible damage to his kingdom and brought about the painful death of Enkidu. Unlike Gilgamesh, who is depicted as ego-centric individual, Odysseus has the contrast of this characteristic. Odysseus is optimistic and altruistic as he struggles not only for his own survival during the war, but also for his shipmate’s personal survival. Odysseus is described having versatility which either way compliments his physical strength and courage in battle, skills he showed during the war at Troy. These behaviors somehow resulted from his eagerness to return home to his wife and from his perseverance to preserve and finish the heroic reputation and dignity that he won in war at Troy. The same scene that illustrated Odysseus pride also depicts his care and being concerned to his fellow shipmates. After Cyclops threw boulders to the ship, Odysseus hastily gave his identity to Cyclops and the latter called Poseidon, his father, to punish Odysseus who brought harm to him. That incident hurt Odysseus more than losing his fellow men. This showed Odysseus’s heed towards his fellow shipmen. Personal and Social Relationships The Gilgamesh poem depicted not only ancient Mesopotamian myths and legends, but also endowed diverse and complex relationships and dealings between people involved in the epic story, particularly the main character, Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh’s relationship towards his people as a king is somehow in deep and shaky condition. There have been misunderstandings and lack of sense of unity between the king and its people that hindering a kingdom to flourish due to Gilgamesh’s disturbing and arrogant means of ruling Uruk. Another unstable relationship is with Gilgamesh and the Summerian gods. Gilgamesh tends to oppress the gods which led to the creation of Enkidu. Although Enkidu was created as a counterweight of Gilgamesh, unpredictably, both became friends. Relationship between the king and the supposed enemy is probably the most light and happy relationship made by Gilgamesh. They think of each other as brothers and a true companion in which their common journey indeed deepened their brotherly bond and friendship. There are also different relationship built all throughout the story between Odysseus and other characters in the epic. Again, he built a strong and deep bond and camaraderie with his fellow men. He even risked himself just to keep other from falling in the hands of Cyclops. Odysseus somehow has heart of gold for those who treasure him and appreciate him from his doings. His relationship with his wife, Penelope, also is as strong and sturdy as a diamond which no one can break even through rough and long times of being away from each other. To show his commitment and love to his wife, he even tricks his wife’s suitors and disguised himself as beggar.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Communication and Assisting Service Users

How to communicate and assist service users on how to do what they can not do After the handing over, we are assigned to service users in other to support them with their personal care needs. In the morning, i knock at the service users doors and say morning to prepare them to get ready for a wash. For those that are unable to have access to toilet facilities, i apply a manual handling by supporting them in movement from the bed to the toilet by using hoist or wheelchair which must be in good standard and for those who are able; I make sure they use the toilet.Communication comes in many ways, you can communicate with service users verbally, body language or eye to eye contact. The process of care and communication to provide a good care is something which should be carefully planned to meant to be helping the service user, it is very important to know the well being response to individual needs to provide right care that the service user benefit from and contribute to overall improv ement in care plan.So after providing the help for those who are able and unable to help themselves, I then give report in the hand over book to enable the staff taking over from me knows where problems are and how resident have been and what they need. This is where communication comes in, to instruct somebody to do something verbally or through hand written in the hand over book or care plan.During the process of personal care, some of the service users are very aggressive or they have a challenging behaviour response to the service you are rendering to them, you calm them down or go away for some minutes and then come back to them and make sure all these is written in the hand over book or your care plan for the staff to know what is happening and how to go about it.I also communicate with the service users while giving them a wash, i ask them if they had good sleep and also ask them for the colour or type of cloth he or she would like to wear. After washing and dressing up, i ta ke the resident to where he or she will sit for his or her breakfast. When is coming to food, every resident own identity to what they like or dislike. By following these, individual needs are met and these promote the well being of service user.That is open flexible approach. When dealing with service user’s food, the first thing you do is to wash your hand, make sure the area is clean, don’t forget to get your apron on and make sure you get to the service user according to their needs and you must write everything in the care plan or hand over book, how the service user ate and drink to enable the staff the well being of the service user.After all these, the activities of the day begins, some like watching television, playing ball, games, i even assist them in reading news papers and also chart with them. At the end of the day, I give reports on what has happen during the shift, things that need to be extra vigilant about and how the residents are generally in the bo ok of hand over and care plan.

Food and Beverage Director Essay

The operation in food and beverages has been a staple source of income in hotels for many years. Development of a food and beverage department in most of the hotels supplements the income generated from room profits as well as builds the image of the hotel. People come to hotels now not just for the room accommodations but also for the food and beverages they offer in their restaurants, cafes, function rooms, and bars. The demand of food and beverages lead to the creation of a hotel position called food and beverage manager that spearheads the services offered by the hotel’s food and beverage department(Hubsch 1966). Food and beverages management is among the most complicated areas of hospitality and is an integral part of the hotel industry. The latest trend in the management of food and beverages in a hotel setting has shifted from a cuisine based job into a career that necessitates knowledge in marketing and productivity. The shift can be attributed to the challenge to provide a service of high quality despite the increasing competition, technological innovations, and clientele sophistication. At present, the duties and responsibilities of a food and beverage director of a hotel go beyond planning the menu. Food and beverage trends affects the preference of clients thus the food and beverage manager should be able to constantly monitor this and cope up with the trends so that the clients will be able to appreciate the services offered. Nowadays, to be able to compete and cope up with the fast paced hospitality industry individuals like hotel food and beverage managers need to have a wide knowledge on the various aspects of business. Aside from the basic knowledge on cuisine, these managers now need to possess an understanding on organizational skills, technical expertise, and dedication to high standards of the industry(Riley, 2005). A food and beverage department of any establishment especially in hotels is supervised and coordinated by a manager or director. This individual makes sure that the service delivery at all points of sale must be done appropriately. The primary responsibilities of a food and beverage manager include the following: guarantee that the guest will receive service of excellent quality; make sure that all the department as well as the company’s regulations are followed; responsible for the optimizing the chain of supply as well as the utilization of raw materials; and ensure that the costumers are satisfied by the services offered(HEG). The manager of the food and beverages in dining rooms, private clubs, institutions, restaurants, resorts, convention centers, and hotels is the one responsible for planning, directing, and controlling all aspects of the services in food and beverages(emerit, 2006). The individual suited for this type of job needs to be able to ensure that the organization’s financial and labor objectives are met with the application of management skills and balanced with excellent customer skills. The responsibilities of a person managing the food and beverages of an organization are the following: staff recruitment and training of staff; organization, direction, and assessment of services associated with food and beverages; scheduling of employee shifts; purchase and regulating inventory; management of staff performance that include staff performance monitoring and feedback provision; monitoring revenues and expenses; assure that the health and safety regulations are practiced; communicate and negotiate with clients regarding the offered services; and handle negotiations with the suppliers of food and beverages products(Society, 2007). Hotel food and beverage managers have various responsibilities as well as needed abilities to be able to do these responsibilities. Through management of the catering and beverages department is one of these responsibilities. The food and beverage manager (F&B manager) oversees the functions of the all of the employees in the department including the maitre d’hotel’s, production managers, and banquet mangers. All the operations in the department are under the scrutiny of the F&B manager. Designing and pricing menus is another role of the F&B manager. The menu is the first thing a client sees in the hotel restaurant or bar thus the design should be done appropriately with the prices based on the pre-determined gross profit. The purchasing or supervision of the purchasing of all the food, beverage, and related products is the third responsibility of an F&B manager. He or she can do the purchasing himself or can delegate the task to a subordinate with his or hers supervision. Adequate knowledge on quality, mark, grades, and counts of all the perishable and non-perishable foods must be possessed by the food and beverages manager. With his or her supervision the following are arranged: dealers guide of purchase specifications; a clerk that receives the products delivered; and, and chefs and stewards according to need. Part also of the F&B manager’s work is the search for better deals for goods in places like markets and packing houses(Brodnerc 1960). Another responsibility of a hotel food and beverage manager is working as the head of the food and beverage department which necessitates knowledge on handling labor organizations, scheduling staff duties, job descriptions, psychology of employment, and the likes. The regulation of the number of personnel and areas to staff needed during different occasions is the primary function of the H&B manager in staffing. He or she must be equipped with appropriate capability to determine the service needs of the clients in different instances according to room occupancy of the hotel; various functions or gatherings held in the hotel; and outside patronage(Brodnerc 1960). A wide knowledge on state of the art cooking methodologies and procedures will be of excellent value to a hotel food and beverage manager. This individual should be well versed in the kitchen and equipped with fitting experience about the cooking process for easier performance. The manager though will not have cooking as part of his or her duty can function better with the passion for cooking and food. The modern methods of food production nowadays is widely accepted so a F&B manager without excellent exposure and passion for cooking can do the job but still the position will be better performed by an individual that is not only well versed in the clinic but also has the passion for cooking(Brodnerc 1960). The food and beverage manager especially in big hotels supervises the maitre d’hotel, headwaiters, and other service personnel thus the individual needs to have the capability to direct this employees into achieving the appropriate standards of services offered. No matter how excellent the quality of food the staffs in the kitchen produces if the individuals that serve this to the clients will not be able to do so with the preservation of the food quality, the service provided would still be of inferior quality(Brodnerc 1960). Purchases of beverages, bar operations, cocktail lounges, and services during feasts are also taken care of the food and service managers. Without a department that specifically handles feast occasions the food and beverages department will come to the rescue hence the F&B manager needs to be competent enough to handle this situations. Success in the feast can be attained either with delicious and extravagant food or with excellent mixed drinks offered. The purchases of beverages as well as for the bar operations, feasts, and cocktail lounges must be managed well by the F&B manger(Brodnerc 1960). The control and regulation of every storeroom, refrigerators, and similar areas is another function of the food and beverage manager of a hotel. This individual needs to prevent losses due to the spoilage of raw materials purchased. He or she has the task to control all the storage rooms and refrigerators by mandating that these areas are to be locked when not used, all these areas must be of the proper temperatures needed for the materials or products, and prevent unauthorized individuals from having access to the area(Brodnerc 1960). Excellent knowledge about the lay-out of the kitchen, efficient utilization of the latest equipment and technologies, and compliance with the proper sanitation procedures will be of value to a food and beverage manager. The manager should be able to suggest to the management how to efficiently use the modern amenities in the kitchen. Despite if the kitchen is very old the F&B needs to ensure that practices in housekeeping are in compliance with the health standards of the area(Brodnerc 1960). The above mentioned responsibilities and capabilities of a hotel food and beverage manger are only representatives of the various functions of a person with this type of position. Though most of the things are not done by the F&B manager directly, he or she still needs to have necessary experience and passion for preparing and serving food so as to function well. Even though in big hotels there are many sub-positions from the manager, the F&B manger still has the responsibility to integrate and monitor the said aspects of food production(Brodnerc 1960). The job as a food and beverage manager requires skills that will enable the individual to fulfill the demands of the job. Among the skills needed for this job are: good team player qualities including team management and leadership; passion for organizational type of work; management effectiveness specifically on delivering profit centre profitability; excellent sales ability; good public relations especially sensitivity to the customers; financial awareness; capability to adopt with the diverse needs of the customers; and, having the initiative(HEG). Hotel executives now have a growing trend of hiring individuals that possess the qualifications to manage their food and beverage operations. The demand for a hotel food and beverage manager is high but the qualifications set for the position also parallels the demand. Hence, a person who is interested in having a career in the food and beverages industry must first have himself equipped with the necessary and education to be able to function in the competitive world in which the hotel food and beverage manager position is included. References Brodnerc , J. (1960). The Food and Beverage Manager. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 1(79). emerit. (2006). Food and Beverage Manager Certification [Electronic Version]. Food and Beverage Manager (FBM). Retrieved December 8, 2007, from http://www. emerit. ca/eng/pdf/foodandbeveragemanager. pdf HEG, H. E. G. -. Food and Beverage. jobsinhotels. co. uk Retrieved December 8 2007, from http://www. jobsinhotels. co. uk/Default. asp? page=83#1 Hubsch , A. W. (1966). Hotel Food and Beverage Management. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 7(9). Riley, M. (2005). Food and beverage management: A review of change. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 17(1). Society, T. H. (2007). Food and Beverage Manager. Retrieved December 8, 2007, from http://www. go2hr. ca/CareersbrinTourism/JobDescriptions/FoodandBeverageManager/tabid/590/Default. aspx

Monday, July 29, 2019

Media have transformed sport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Media have transformed sport - Essay Example Now, with the help of media, live broadcasts have become very famous among people from all walks of life. Mass communication and mass media came into existence and became popular by the end of 19th century. Examples would be; print media, cigarette cards, cinema newsreel, radio and the latest television era. Then came the tabloid revolution, new men’s magazines, advertising and electronic media like satellites. In the era of print media, social commentators played an important role, new guides and sports magazines began to be published and ‘graphic revolution’ of 1961 as referred to as by Boorstin. Pulitzer established the first ‘sports department’ in New York Times in1883 (McChesney 1989: 53). Sports news has been dominated by national newspapers and has outsourced multi sports magazines (Horne, 1992). As for the cigarette cards; they were invented in France. Cinema brought movement and hence sporting action to the audience for the first time (Aldgate 1979: 17). In Britain, the first cinema performance held in public was in 1896, and there came into being around 4000-5,000 cinemas by 1914. Radio had its own advantages. It was a medium that provided listeners with immediacy. 1922 is the year when this happened in the UK and thus British Broadcasting Corporation was formed. After the formation of BBC in 1927, sport broadcasts became a well known element in the schedules (see Whannel 1992). Next development was in the form of the television; which was established in the 1930s but received more recognition in the 1950s to 1970s. By 1965, BBC had established Sportsview (1954), Grandstand (1958) and Match of the Day (1962) as regular programmes, ITV had launched World of Sport, and in the USA, ABC Sport had launched Wide World of Sport, with its subtitle "the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat", and adopted its slogan "up close and personal" (Powers 1984: 118-21). These developments transformed the nature of sport stardom. Stars and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Is spontaneous order a form of social justice for Hayek Essay

Is spontaneous order a form of social justice for Hayek - Essay Example us order that is not bound to any region field or society it is the property of change and revolution where ever these two properties will be the process of spontaneous order will take place. Spontaneous order Example This is simply an ideology which is applicable in different areas of the life, due to its applications it is popular ideology in economical field and various economist appreciated its application in the practical economical market scenarios and process .According to this ideology the market economies can be emerged by any creative individual spontaneous order specifying their own rules and boundaries of working. Spontaneous order Markets application In economic field many classical liberals thinkers like Hayek proposed that the market economies are result of the creative spontaneous order according to his thinking more accurate resources allocation process on accurate places and output getting process is possible by the spontaneous order application, as compared to the organization working methodology. The economist think that it is the ever best methodology to apply as on the spot economical problems solving techniques applications is possible by it by any individual any time according to the situation beyond the limits of any frame work as it is not bound to follow any central decision or policy. The Foundation for Economic Education president Lawrence Reed, says about the spontaneous order as follows: Spontaneous order emerged when people feel alone and when entrepreneurs do their best for the desires of people and then according to the desires provide for them they act upon the market needs and check the prices which tells them what is the need of people and in what quantity it is demanded and it is better and productive way as compared to reliance on... Is spontaneous order a form of social justice for Hayek? In place of the spontaneous order the other word self organization is also used it is the process related to different individual related to different field of life and in different process the term is used and applied such as physical ,biological and social networks and economics ,so we can say that the spontaneous order is a process which is emerged by various kinds of social orders by the interest and willingness of the self interested and motivated persons who not preplanned the things or unintentionally who create order without planning . New needs new demands new ideas make smooth the way of spontaneous order and provide growth for this phenomenon. One mile stone when achieved in this journey produce new way for the next mile stone to achieve so the spontaneous order process and growth is directly proportional to the new coming needs and time. Hayek was economist best known for his work in the field of the economic s according to his work spontaneous order is the key of success in the economical field and can assure promoting new ideas and revolutions as compared to the pre planned strategies further he established a relationship in between the spontaneous order and the social justice he said social justice is interlinked with the spontaneous order as the individuals gets right to do free according to their mind set irrespective of the laws boundaries, he faced many critics too due to this ideology ,but he defended at most of his side his ideology .

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Prosocial Behaviors and Fraternities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Prosocial Behaviors and Fraternities - Essay Example It was able to establish that there exist significant differences as to how members of social groups react and understand various social instances or situations as against non-members. An example is that fraternity or sorority members expect their fellow members to be indicating concern and cooperation in their situation as compared to non-member students who rely heavily on their own decisions and actions to handle the situations indicated in the survey questionnaire. Teenagers, in and out of campuses are considered in their reaching out stage where they crave for attention and acceptance. In the process of achieving and satisfying their craving, there are activities, opportunities and peers or peer groups that cater to their needs. These could be considered harmless, positive or negative depending on the effect on the subjects but most often, these have either influence or effect on the psychosocial behavior of the individuals involved. Although individual personality traits per se could be influential or factor for students to join or not to join Greek sounding social groups, positive relevance of these groups now seem to outweigh deviant behaviors so that new studies are being conducted every now and then. The purpose of this study is to find out if there is a difference between responses and behavior of students who are members of sorority or fraternity and those who are not with regards to social and altruism instances. This will be gauged through their responses to questions to be given them. Ten scenarios shall be presented to these students, ten who are members of fraternity or sorority for about two years, and ten who are plain students. The relevance of this study is to establish expectations of students as well as the larger community with regards to how members and non-members of social group sorority or fraternity react or handle various social situations. These responses may be indicative of levels of pro-social /altruism behaviors which could be treated as factors that can be influenced by educational institutions and social organizations or groups in order to arrive at more preferred learning and social environments. Background/Reviews: Since there had been considerable and observable activities participated in or involving members of fraternities or sororities that are not ordinarily undertaken by regular non-member students in and out of campuses, interest on membership and involvement on fraternity or sorority had been of interest by various sectors (CHE, 2006; SPLC, 2004). Moral reasoning and identity development of 209 female and 162 male college students indicated they did not seem to be affected by their affiliation to Greek social groups (Kilgannon and Dary, 1992) although moral reasoning and identity development. Langford (1995) nevertheless, imparted that moral reasoning rely on notions of moral rules and moral norms which are generally accepted in many societies. Likewise, in a study conducted on social group members of 153 males and 168 females at a Midwestern university indicated there was significant correlations between member's levels of involvement as well as their psychosocial development measured by the Student Development Task and Lifestyle Inventory. This has been related to establishing and clarifying purposes; develop mature

Friday, July 26, 2019

Determining Causes and Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Determining Causes and Effects - Essay Example Water quality has become a crucial issue along the southern shores of Lake Huron in recent years with levels of pollution both non-point and point source pollution increasing in intensity and wrecking untold havoc on the lake’s ecosystem (The Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation, 2004). The lake has been plagued by different forms of water pollution, which have seriously jeopardized the lives and health of the animals, and humans depending on the water as well as the community who may use it for swimming or boating. This paper aims at examining the main causes of pollution on the lake as well as the social economical effect they have on the surrounding areas and it inhabitants. The main cause of pollution in Lake Huron is direct discharge of pollutant matter including, chemicals and microbial substances through a number of channels, which may fall under non-point or point pollution. The main pollutants in Huron originate from a number of sources, including runoff from industries, storm and drainage pipes or polluted water from rivers, other non-point sources are run off from road construction sites as well as oil and grease and similar runoff from urban energy production (Human Health and the Great Lakes, 2003). This is enhanced further by the considerable size of the drainage area of the lake, exposing it to material from an expansive area which increases the possibility of channeling contaminant matter. In addition, soil erosion, excess fertilizers from farms and herbicides have contaminated the lake water. While much of these pollutants have been managed today, sediments from such run off in retrospect are considered the main cause of pollution today. B acteria and other nutrients from animals which end up in the lake after they are washed in by rainwater, these are found in pathogens which re organisms mostly found in the intestinal tracts of mammals often originated from sewerage and septic tank systems (Crowe, n.d.). This has resulted to a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Interracial Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interracial Marriage - Essay Example As such, religiously, some groups approve of interracial marriages, where they concern themselves with acceptance and their conception of divinity and spiritual leaders. In reference to this issue of religion, certain groups encourage interracial marriages as they are viewed as propagation of the world’s population, which can be found in the bible (Christian Answers, n.d.). Other religions, however, are against these marriages as they are viewed to be in contradiction of the pure religious bred of believers or of a spiritual group. This is because the group is fully dedicated to purity and restricts its members to people of a certain color only, thus seeing excommunicating people who breach their regulations. In relation to the overall benefits and disadvantages of interracial marriages, a lot can be said, or even deduced, where these two aspects of interracial marriages cover a large scope. Following the merits, interracial marriages see personal growth in both parties involved and even their close associates, as it offers a unique environment. In this environment, one gets to comprehend the challenges that a spouse faces in an attempt to fit into a new culture, and due to racial differences (Landry, 2009). This is in relation to feeling left out, which allows spouses to develop a new level of racial empathy and acceptance, as well as identity for difficult situations. Consequently, spouses also learn the concept of dispelling stereotypes against the other race as one gets to know the spouse. This can be seen in cases where there are misconceptions about other races, and these can easily be eradicated by interracial marriages as they give room for interaction. This also means that inter racial marriages create a crucial opportunity to end social segregation as all parties and their misconception of one another can be dispelled, and acceptance

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reflective Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Reflective Practice - Essay Example As Eisner (1991, p6) observes, the successes and accurate interventions of critical reflection are discussed below against potential missing links to development as supported by various literature perspectives. Most arguments for reflective practice hold the opinion that it is a very vital tool for designing development. Both teaching and learning outcomes form an important concept in education, which takes form from the quality of experiences that the teacher and learner make out of the learning process. Critical evaluation and reflection entails learning skills that individuals develop towards a sustainable progression in application of knowledge in life and career. Reflection is an important function of mental processing that enables application of thinking in the formulation of a solution to a task aimed at specific outcomes (Boulton-Lewis, Brownlee, Dart & McCrindle 1998). The application of mental skills in such a task may follow complex or unstructured knowledge to arrive at the anticipated outcome. Personal and professional development concepts adopt self-reflection and evaluation as strong tools to exploit personal abilities for a sustainable and consistent performance (Boutrup, L eerberg and Riisberg 2010, p7). Proponents of this position however fail to demonstrate the importance of personal initiative in designing one’s reflective assessment. Commonly available reflective skills are taught, which shows lack of development of initiative minds among learners and professionals if mental skills are to be developed in an equal measure. Another common element of argument for reflective practice is that both formal and informal reflective play a vital role in the development of an all-round individual in the respective performance tasks in life, learning, and career. Reflection skills facilitate the approach that individuals adopt to internalize knowledge and ideas to make

Gender differences in communicating relationship expectations Research Paper

Gender differences in communicating relationship expectations (interpersonal communication) - Research Paper Example When we communicate with other people, we do not just say words but we say it with different tone of voice and sometimes, actions. This is what interpersonal communication is all about. With just a different tone of voice, the meaning differs. Our facial expression also is an important factor in the interpersonal communication. How we look in conversing with others will mean differently. Our gestures as well as our body language also affect our communication with others. Because of gestures, the other person might understand what we mean in a different way. It is very important that we study the aspects of interpersonal communication because we surely want to convey the message the way we want to be understood. Since everyday of our lives, we communicate, we have to communicate effectively and efficiently. The first principle of interpersonal communication is it being inescapable (King, 2000). A person cannot â€Å"not† communicate. We cannot escape from communication even if we try to. Though we might not talk or use words to converse to others, our gestures, facial expression may do it for us. We must always remember that people cannot read our minds, thus whatever we put in words or show in our body language, will be understood as such by our receivers. It is our behaviour that is understood by people (King, 2000). Interpersonal communication is irreversible (King, 2000). We cannot take back something what we already said. For example, because of our anger, we might burst out words we really do not mean to say to someone. But we know that these words are really not meant to hurt the person we are talking to, but the words already pained the other person. Even if we wanted to take back everything that we have said, the hurt and pain it has caused will not be taken away from that person. The third principle is interpersonal communication being complicated (King, 2000). According to King (2000), theorists

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Zizeks Concept Of Two Revolutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Zizeks Concept Of Two Revolutions - Essay Example Zizek’s work has been criticised for inconsistency and Parker argues that â€Å"there is no Zizekian system of philosophy because Zizek, with all his inconsistencies, is trying to make us think much harder about what we are willing to believe and accept from a single writer† (Parker, 2004, p.120). Indeed, to this end Zizek argues himself that we should constantly challenge our ideologies and philosophies. This is particularly evident with Zizek’s extrapolations pertaining to the concept of the two revolutions as highlighted by his discussion in â€Å"Revolution at the Gates, A Selection of Writings from February to October 1917† (Edited by Zizek, 2002). To this end, it is submitted at the outset that at the heart of Zizek’s argument for the necessity of two revolutions is the idea that the first revolution challenges the pre-existing form and the second revolution ensures that the form itself is revolutionised to attain the true purpose of the intended objectives of the â€Å"revolution† in what Zizek terms the â€Å"utopia†. Directly correlated to Zizek’s perception of the two revolutions is the use of Lenin as a symbol to highlight the flaws of traditional social theory highlighting historical circumstance and context as the significant causal triggers for revolution.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Terrorism Act in Canada Essay Example for Free

Terrorism Act in Canada Essay The impact of the Anti-Terrorism Act on the Muslims and Arabs in Canada The Anti-terrorism Act in Canada and its effects on the Muslim and Arabic communities September 11, 2001 marked a catastrophic change not only in American society but in every western state including Canada. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon have had a ripple effect, spreading to the entire world and terrifying thousands of people. Following these attacks, world populations were devastated and governments faced a never-before seen need to make laws governing this new form of terror. Countries like the United States of America, United Kingdom, and Canada have passed anti-terrorism legislations that define â€Å"terrorism† and how to respond and prevent such attacks. Generally speaking, some scholars and ordinary individuals argue that the new anti-terrorism Act in Canada may aim to combat terrorism but it also violates the rights of certain individuals. The new Act gave the authorities especially the police task forces the power to investigate suspect terrorist cases without worrying about the charter of rights and freedoms. This ends with the question of security of state versus the rights of individuals. They argue that the shock and the disbelief that infected the Canadian Government after the September attacks to take a fast and effective legislation to protect the country from a prospective threat, â€Å"pushed the government to implement the Bill C-36 that was turned to be the Anti-terrorism Act in four months only after the September Attacks without thinking about the consequences of this new law. † (Andreychuk) Firstly we should know what is the Bill C-36 or the Anti-Terrorism Act to examine whether or not it affected some minorities in Canada. As stated above, the Bill C-36 was a quick response to the September Attacks in the USA. Bill C-36 was first introduced in the House of Commons by Justice Minister Anne McLellan on 15 October 2001. The Bill defines â€Å"terrorist activity† as an act that is committed â€Å"in whole or in part for a political, religious, or ideological purpose, objective, or cause. † (Mazer). The new Act gave the investigative branch of the police and the CSIS more powers to investigate the very private details of the lives of the suspect terrorists. Also the act put more restrictions on the immigration policies as well as the security measurements in the airports and the borders as well as the seaports during the amending of existing Act like information security Act (Carter). In addition to these new restrictions, the accused person has no right to see or to know the evidence which the government has against him. Even when the Act was amended in 2008, the only person who can see a summary of the evidence is a lawyer who was appointed by the government and he can’t shoe this evidence to the accused. From the practical point of view, the most minorities in Canada to be affected by these new measurements are the Muslim minority in particular and the Arabic minority in general. The inclusion of religion as a motive for ‘terrorist activity’ within the Act may cast a pall over one’s faith. The Muslim and Arab communities of Canada have already expressed that many of their members consider that they have fallen victims to racial or cultural discrimination because of the Act. We can say that the bad luck has accompanied the Muslims in this issue. Currently and unfortunately all the terrorists are coming from an Islamic background like Afghanistan, Pakistan or Chechnya. This forced not only our government but also most of the government in the world to link terrorism to Islam as a religion. The government will not stay silent until a big disaster happens as in the case of September attacks, London attacks as well as Madrid attacks. If we look at the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, we may find some sections that have been violated by the new Terrorism Act. Sections eight to fourteen have been extremely infringed after the attacks. Thousands of individuals have been seized in a way that violates the charter. Another shift that happened to our tolerant society is that the supreme court of Canada has shifted the nature of its rulings regarding the infringement of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. â€Å"There has been a clear change of mind, within the Court, regarding the authority of international human rights law, at least where highly sensitive security matters are involved, such as deportation of political refugees suspected of being linked with terrorist organisations. † (Coutu Giroux) The party that argues that the Muslims and Arabs have been affected negatively by the Anti-terrorism Act might prove their argument by comparing it with the American Patriot Act which was the American anti-terrorism act. In the American version of the anti-terrorism legislation it condemned any discrimination against Arab Americans, Muslim Americans and Americans from south Asia and affirmed that â€Å"the concept of individual responsibility for wrongdoing is sacrosanct in American society and applies equally to all religions, racial and ethnic groups†( Roach 72) . If we read our Anti-terrorism Act we won’t find such a clarification. But from a practical point of view, this clarification didn’t immune the Muslims in the USA from profiling but at least it affirmed the principle of equality. On the other hand there is another party that advocates that agrees with the anti-terrorism Act and denies that it is targeting the Muslim and Arabic minorities in Canada. On the other hand, we can’t blame the government for such actions, whether or not that the religion is the driving force to these kinds of attacks. The government is working hard to ensure that the Canadian nation live in a secure and stable climate so that we can maintain our economic supremacy. Also it is working hard to ensure that the history will not blame it for neglecting national security issues like terrorism. From this perspective the government had this kind of response to the September cowardly attacks. The other counter party argue that the Arabic and the Islamic communities are not under persecution or any kind of discrimination according to religion or origin. They argue that these new Anti-terrorism Act is applied on every Canadian citizen whether he is Muslim, Christian, Jewish or any religious background. It is applied on every citizen regardless of his ethnic background whether he is polish, Scottish, Arabic or French. In the airports the safeguards don’t ask the passengers about their religion or ethnic background if they are travelling from Canada but the passengers who are coming to Canada from suspicious countries, that help the terrorist organizations or have this kind of organizations on their lands such as: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the government tends to have more restrictive laws regarding them because they are the most likely individuals to be terrorists. It is important to mention that the government of Canada put three justifications to the new Act when it was introduced. Firstly, the Anti-terrorism act is in compliance with the charter of rights and freedoms. Secondly, the current criminal law is deficient in protecting the national security of Canada from similar attacks to those ones that happened in the US. Finally, the new act enhances the charter values. I’ll go over each one of them briefly. Firstly, the government argued that the criminal law was inefficient in keeping the Canadian territories safe from future terrorist attacks. They argued that the police forces don’t have the required tools to prevent Canada’s own September 11 so there was an urgent necessity to give the police force and the CSIS these tools to do their job to protect our country. Secondly the government argued that the new Act didn’t violate the human rights stated in the charter. The minister of justice stated that â€Å"the act was subject to a very thorough review on Charter ground and that its measures have been designed so they will respect the values of the charter, and, we expect, survive legal challenges† (Roach 75). Thirdly, the government argued that the new Act didn’t not only violate the charter rights but it did enhance these rights as well. The government argued that the new Act embodied new provisions regarding hate crime propaganda against any religious minority in Canada. The government officials were aware of the Tsunami of hate propaganda and crimes that will be resulted after the September attacks against Muslims and Arabic minorities that’s why the new Act was popular and it has been supported by a lot of people who were worried about the hate crimes. Also the Act allowed the deletion of any content on internet that might refer to be hate propaganda against Islam. In same time the government argued that the Act promoted the value of equality between the individuals because the law is applicable to everyone in the country. Finally it is clear that the Anti-terrorism Act or Bill c-36 has been criticized and debated from every level in the society from the ordinary individuals who are saying that the Act violated the rights and freedoms of Muslim and Arabic minorities in Canada, to our government which is defending the new Act. In my personal opinion, the government is free to pass laws and legislations to protect our national security because if any terrorist attack happened, every on in the country will blame the government from not preventing the great loss in lives and money. But it is important to say the government should try to balance those laws with our own freedoms and regulations as long as our national security is protected. In same time, I see that Muslim and Arabic minorities are not affected badly by this law because this law is applied to all Canadians not Muslims only.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Medical Treatment Using Computed Tomography (CT)

Medical Treatment Using Computed Tomography (CT) Breast Plan Part One Treatment Site / Diagnosis: Left Breast Treatment Modality: 2 Dimensional tangential Type of Patient Data: Computed tomography and virtual simulation Technique: Isocentric Prescription Isodose: 40GY in 15# Part Two Computed tomography (CT) was employed as an imaging modality for this treatment. In general, CT is the standard imaging modality employed. This is due to the ability of CT to provide a 3 Dimensional image of the tumour and the ordinary anatomy in that area, CT is particularly effective in visualising bony anatomy. It also provides the electron density data essential to enable accurate dose calculation and planning. Although CT scanning is the standard for treatment localisation, magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) are superior in defining soft tissue and tumour metastasis and so it is now advisable to employ CT-MRI fusion imaging in order to improve the accuracy of tumour localisation for treatment (Bhide and Nutting 2010). Tangential fields are normally used in the treatment of tumours of the breast. Virtual simulation (v-sim) is employed in order to generate lateral and medial tangential fields. V-sim ensures accurate field matching and acceptable coverage of the breast tissue, the chest wall and the surgical or mastectomy scar (Barrett and Dobbs et al. 2009 and Moran and Haffty 2009). Part Three The choice of beam energy is heavily dependent on patient size and separation; in general the chosen beam energy is 6 Megavoltage. For patients with a separation greater than 22cm, higher energy beams are usually used in order to improve dose homogeneity. Higher energy beams reduce the skin sparing effect of a lower energy; therefore care should be taken to ensure there is sufficient coverage of the superficial breast, mastectomy scar and clinical boarders (Barrett, Dobbs et al. 2009). The breast is traditionally treated by means of two dimensional conformal tangential beams. The beam arrangement is a lateral and medial beam. The field boarders are marked up clinically, usually by a specialist radiographer. The lateral beam is usually at mid axilla and the medial beam at sternal level. The beams are at tangents to each other avoid irradiation of the heart, lung, dose uniformity and no dose overlap to the contralateral breast (Lee and Harris 2009). Segmented beams were also selected in order to improve Planning Target Volume (PTV) coverage and allow for Multi Leaf Collimator (MLC) shielding without compromising coverage of the PTV whilst shielding out undesired hot spots that naturally occur in the inframammary fold of the breast tissue (Nakamura, Hatanaka et al. 2011). According to a study by Purdy 2004 ICRU 50 guidelines states that the isodose distribution within the PTV must be between 95% 107% .In order to achieve optimum dose distribution wedged beams are employed, wedges are tissue compensators that account for missing tissue in order to improve the homogeneity of the dose distribution (Barrett, Dobbs et al. 2009). This is particularly important in breast treatments due to the contour of the breast. The anterior surface of the breast is less dense than the tissue toward the chest wall, hotspots tend to occur around the areola for this reason wedges in this plan are 60 à ¢Ã‚ Ã‚ ° and orientated with the thick end anterior in order to distribute the dose away from the nipple and conform more homogenously to the chest wall. There are also wedges on the segments in order to improve dose homogeneity in the superior/ inferior direction and to ensure acceptable PTV coverage (Haffty, Buchholz et al. 2008). Part 4 There is acceptable coverage of the CTV, in breast treatment, the aim is to treat all the breast tissue to the deep fascia the 95% isodose should conform to the chest wall but not include the pectoralis major (Barrett, Dobbs et al. 2009). The breast tissue is covered by the 95% isodose line and it adheres well to the muscles of the chest wall. There are no hot spots present within the plan due to the optimal use of tissue compensators as mentioned above. According to a study by Purdy in 2004, ICRU guidelines isodse distribution must be kept between 95% 107%, MLC shielding on the segments were employed in order to shield any hotspots present within the CTV without compromising target coverage or causing the plan to become too cold. Part 5 The critical organs that were contoured were the left lung. Although there is no dose volume histogram associated with breast treatments, there should be no more than 2cm of lung volume included in the treatment field in order to prevent late toxicities such as lung fibrosis and pneumonitis. It is also advisable to contour the heart on left sided breast treatments. Part 6 This plan is clinically acceptable, however as the treatment is being delivered to the left side, the heart should be taken into consideration. Deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) is becoming more common for left sided breast treatments. DIBH involves treating the patient on inspiration and breath hold through coaching either auditory or visually or both. During inspiration the breast tissue is lifted off the chest wall and thus results in less cardiac tissue and lung being irradiated (Vikstrà ¶m, Hjelstuen et al. 2011). Not all patients are suitable for DIBH if they cannot remain in breath hold for the length of time it takes to deliver the beam. However it is still important to remove the heart from the high dose area, this is achievable by the use of cardiac shielding created by MLCS. Although this has shown a reduction in the dose received by the heart, it also risks underdoing of the target (Bartlett, Yarnold et al. 2013). References Barrett, A., J. Dobbs, et al. (2009). Practical Radiotherapy Planning Fourth Edition, CRC Press. Bartlett, F. R., J. R. Yarnold, et al. (2013). Multileaf Collimation Cardiac Shielding in Breast Radiotherapy: Cardiac Doses are Reduced, But at What Cost? Clinical Oncology 25(12): 690-696. Bhide, S. and C. Nutting (2010). Recent advances in radiotherapy. BMC medicine 8(1): 25. Haffty, B. G., T. A. Buchholz, et al. (2008). Should intensity-modulated radiation therapy be the standard of care in the conservatively managed breast cancer patient? Journal of Clinical Oncology 26(13): 2072-2074. Lee, L. J. and J. R. Harris (2009). Innovations in radiation therapy (RT) for breast cancer. The Breast 18: S103-S111. Moran, M. S. and B. G. Haffty (2009). Radiation Techniques and Toxicities for Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. Seminars in Radiation Oncology 19(4): 244-255. Nakamura, N., S. Hatanaka, et al. (2011). Quantification of cold spots caused by geometrical uncertainty in field-in-field techniques for whole breast radiotherapy. Japanese journal of clinical oncology 41(9): 1127-1131. Purdy, J. A. (2004). Current ICRU definitions of volumes: limitations and future directions. Seminars in Radiation Oncology, Elsevier. Vikstrà ¶m, J., M. H. Hjelstuen, et al. (2011). Cardiac and pulmonary dose reduction for tangentially irradiated breast cancer, utilizing deep inspiration breath-hold with audio-visual guidance, without compromising target coverage. Acta Oncologica 50(1): 42-50.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Strategic business management and planning

Strategic business management and planning 1. Introduction: Easy jet is the leading cheapest flight service company in European Airline Companies. The mission of the company is â€Å"to offer Low cost airline service to the masses†. Easyjet was established by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou   in 1995 .Easy jet is the fourth leading European airline, the UKs leading budget airline and one that contests the ‘number two LCC in Europe. Easyjet board had been disagreement of extension with his creator sir stellios since last two years (daily mail 2010). Newly joined(2010,July 14th ) chief executive Carolyn McCall with aid of easy jet chairman sir mike rake made a deal with brand licensing (daily mail 2010). She is very fresh for airline industry. Now I am going to critically evaluate how she is going to face future challenges ahead of her. Source: Map of the destination points 1. a) Strategy: in art of war book sun Tzu giving answer for what is strategy? A way of thinking; an aware and deliberate process; a concentrated implementation technique; the art of ensuring future success. According to Mintzberg H., (1994)† Strategy is a unified, comprehensive, and integrated plan and designed to ensure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved†. A strategy or general plan of action might be formulated for broad, long-term, corporate goals and objectives, for more specific business unit goals and objectives. Easy jet believes that people make the difference. Its through the efforts of all our people to deliver our four strategic priorities such as Safety is our No.1 priority, Build Europes No.1 air transport network, Develop a winning customer proposition, Deliver low cost and maximise margins that we will realise our vision: to become the best low fares airline in the world.(Easyjet 2009) 1. b) Strategic Business planning: Strategic business planning serves to bridge the gap between development goals and planning for implementation of specific tactical measure. Internationalization: Welch and Luostarinen (1988), defined as ‘the process of increasing involvement in international markets. Internationalization and strategic management: Welch and Welch (1996) have tried to develop a longitudinal theoretical model to identify the interrelationships between the two flows of international business inquiry, that is,They give meaning of ‘strategic foundations (knowledge, skills and experience, networks, etc.) of the enterprise and its external environment, and identify planned and unplanned routes to internationalization, with networking important in both. They conclude by calling for ‘empirical studies that specifically focus on strategy and internationalization Process interconnections (Welch and Welch, 1996: 25). Bell et al (1998): Internationalization and Business Strategy EasyJet have influenced by both internal and external environment in any strong grow stage. Internal environment: decision-maker characteristics has more influence in easyjet. We can say particularly sir stellos founder of easyjet and who has 38% share in easyjet. He had been last two years dispute with easy jet board for expansion of easy jet. (Thisismoney,2010).he has no problem with strategy of easy jet. EasyJet announced that it had agreed to purchase the entire share capital of GB Airways from the Bland Group. The deal was worth  £103.5 million and was used to expand EasyJet operations at London Gatwick Airport (anna.euro,2007) Easyjet has grown internationally acquiring GB airways on 25 october 2007. Sir stellos not happy with board accounting policy. He didnt like approach of board single cash generating unit. He insisted to be a he macro-economic climate to benefit of all shareholder.(abtn 2009) â€Å"EasyJet had reached an agreement on the pace of growth with Sir Stelios after he had questioned the strategy. The LCC now plans to increase future capacity by 7.5% per annum, following yearly increases of 15% from 2005 to 2008 and will increase its fleet to 207 aircraft by 2012. Sir Stelios declared himself â€Å"a lot happier† with the carriers shift to a more modest growth strategy† and insisted it was more resilient than that of Ryanair, which cancelled a large order with Boeing in 2009, though it will continue to receive aircraft from previous orders for several years to come†.then he changed his mind and resign from the board on may 2010 and again start his backward, too much over speed of   growth plan(capa 2010) Easy-jet influence by management competencies: No stability management in easyjet due to the action of sir stellos .management changes four year who worked hardly to develop the company Andy Harrison punished by sir stellos who has more share in the company. Sir stellos concentrated on account department he changed account management people. The shake-up will result in all three of the companys top jobs changing within the space of a year, following the departure in May of Jeff Carr, Easyjets chief financial officer(,2009) .(abtn 2009) Rrapid management change create the conflict between management and employee External environment: Global influence: (Richard L. D,aft 1997 ) explaning that No company out-of-the-way from global influence. All international company influenced by global governing body. OPECs (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) set prices of oil and gasoline. OPECs globally influencing the airline industry.(tucker l,2008) CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) and IATA (International Air Transport Association) those bodies regulating the airline industry all over world. BAA is a leading airport monopoly company. We own six airports in the UK including the largest, London Heathrow, and we have interests in a number of others overseas. IATA and CAA fixing or reviewing price fare the airlines(price regulation). EasyJet Claims that   (CAA)Regulator Favoured BAA Over Fees and supporting monopoly company(gardian,2009 pg 28) Global warming: Global warming refers to the documented historical warming of the Earths surface based upon worldwide temperature records that have been maintained by humans since the 1880s.Its Is the combined result of Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) emissions of greenhouse gases and solar irradiance in exchange According To The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), The Decade Of The 2000s (2000-2009) Is the warmest one record. The global mean surface temperature for 2009 IS Currently Estimated at 0.44  ° C/0.79  ° F above-the 1961-1990 Annual average of 14.00  ° F C/57.20 (Ecoearth3009), Volcanic ash cloud: Global warming may prompt more hazardous geological events such as volcanoes, earthquakes and landslides, scientists have warned- Prof McGuire (telegraph3010) acid rain: volcanic explosion can change the Earths climate both for short periods and long periods. Volcanoes that release large amounts of sulfur compounds as sulfur oxide or sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere more strongly than those that eject just dust. The sulfur compounds are gases that rise easily into the stratosphere. Once there, they combine with water (limited) available to form a mist of fine droplets of sulfuric acid (volcanoes 2010) Andy Harrison said that â€Å"Easy Jet is planning to cut CO2 emissions by 50% by 2015.The aviation industry have an excellent record in reducing the environmental footprint of aircraft. Todays aircraft are typically 70% cleaner and 75% quieter than their 1960s counterparts. Now we are planning the next generation that will help towards taking the plane out of the emissions equation. Easy Jet is already setting the environmental standard in the airline industry. Our fleet of 131 aircraft has an average age of only 2.3 years the youngest of any major airline in Europe. We have recently called for over 700 of the dirtiest aircraft to be banned from Europes skies† (ecojet2010) Ash cloud crisis: Andy Harrison gave Q3-IMS-2010-Analyst-presentation-final report saying that how global warming affected the easyjet limited. Significant impact on results from volcanic ash 7,000 flights cancelled impacting one million passengers Estimated cost and lost contribution  £65 million Future challenges on 21st century: Drucker p., (2007) observe that In the middle of 19th century they exposed to many radical changes as we compare to this transition period. As during world warII many structural changes have been occured,then here comes the second industrial revolution started. According to Drucker argumentation, the future is not soo far because for the formation of business strategy there are five social and political certaintiesThe collapse of the birthrate in the developed world, changes in the distribution of disposable income and a redefinition of corporate performance, international competitiveness and the rising conflict between economic and political reality.Then he looks at the leadership requirements, the characteristics of information revolution,   Productivity of knowledge worker and finally their responsibilities in the system management. 1. Rivals for EasyJet now airberlin grown as a competitor in eroupe region looking share price movement on 3rd November 2010(capa2010a). The Challenge Facing (mccall) tougher has-been made by exchange at Ryanair CEO Michael OLeary WHERE IS planning a move to larger Airports near city centers, scrapping A Strategy is based Solely less-costly, out-of-town airports (businessweek2010) 2. Stability management competence frame in EasyJet. * â€Å"McCall will also want more boardroom stability following a spate of resignations. Chairman Colin Chandler and Finance Director Jeff Carr resigned in 2009, Stelios and his nominee Bob Rothenberg stepped down in May and Cor Vrieswijk, the operations chief, quit two weeks ago after just 3 1/2 years at the company† (businessweek,2010) * There is a some money changes in management last two years. 3. Globalization impact: The impact of globalization will lead to make a major challenge strategically to culture and language in the environment   business 4. Managing Across borders: The main creteria of an organisation is to survive in the 21st century and to succeed the workforce in business environment. 5. Revolution of Information Technology: The usage of internet, e-commerce and wireless are supported by a new world of infrastructure. 6. Security issues and increase demand for knowledge worker in an oranizations. 7. Leadership Challenges â€Å"Generational leadership managing an older workforce, as well as the digital generation Sustainability Defending todays environment and addressing consumers needs The developing world responding to a changing economy Diversity leading a workforce comprising ethnic minorities, mature workers, etc Globalisation managing an extended workforce, and social responsibility.† Organizations facing rapid change, unprecedented global competition, unpredictability and the constant threat of acquisition. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly aware of corporate social responsibility and global sustainability challenges in the broad sense. The 21st century is one in which we will need a servant leaders more than ever. It is difficult, fascinating and full of possibilities. If organizations are to thrive and survive, they must innovate. They need all the energy and creativity of their people. This requires a revolution in culture in the workplace the workplace that limit, deter the poor and those that release energy, enterprise and spirit. They also need to be led by world citizens. The best people want to work for ethical organizations that meet the needs of society and avoid prejudice. Sustainability focus on environment, charity corporate and social safety in EasyJet: Environment: Easyjet is giving high priority for environment safety. To be environmentally efficient in the air and on the ground as well. To lead shapes a greener future for aviation. Charity: EasyJet supports a charity of the year. The airline gives a corporate donation and provides access to staff and passengers to raise funds, and promotes the charity through brand awareness. Following a Europe-wide staff vote, EasyJet is proud to announce that our current ‘charity of the year is the Alzheimers Society. Corporate and social Safety: Safety is our first priority for both customers and staffs. Easyjet aims to provide its customers with safe, good value, point to point air services and believes in the goal of excellence of achievement in all its activities. Easyjet sees starving for excellence in environmental, social and ethical activities as a key behaviour for a successful and sustainable business Recommendation: Entrepreneur: the person who has great vision with innovation with optimistic personality. An entrepreneur is a person in charge of creating value, not only for him, but also for his investors, clients and for the society Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship, which is defined as the pursuit of opportunities, acquisition of resources, construction of a team and discovery of markets adapted to offer the specific product (Dr.Zacharakis A,2009) Why it is important for Entrepreneurship: Its very important for global entrepreneurship to monitor the projects over all. Loyalty to customer, employee and government also paying right tax. To compete and set the goals to meet the globalization competitor To develop a acquire company. Bell et al.,(1998) state that organic growth and acquisition are good tool to make organization successful in internationally with entrepreneurship skill of management. Strategy: 1 Diversification strategy: Pils F (2009) discussing about Diversification, impact of diversification, advantage of diversification .diversification for company is a form of corporate strategy . It aims to increase profitability through higher sales volume resulting from new products and new markets. Diversification can take place either at the business unit or enterprise level. At the business unit, it is more likely to develop into a new segment of an industry where the company is already at the firm level, very interesting to enter a promising venture outside the scope of Business Unit. Sir stellios have been insisting about future of fleet expansion. When the fleet and the route to increase, we have more customers in the summer (six months) and festivals time, remaining six months, flights are in the ground(Businessweek2010). My opinion sir stellios has matured person in airline industry and also stellos Haji-Ioannou is a member of the New Enterprise, a group established to advise the Conservative Party on business policy (market watch3007). He is not against strategy of the company but against fleet expansion (capa2010) .so McCall can go for other sector diversification expect fleet. She has to considered about rivals also, when rivals increasing the fleet and route, mccall also has go for it. Otherwise she cant compete with her rivals .now easy jet share growing. Now main rival of EasyJet is ryanair share reduced in Europe.(capa2010a). Good news for easyjet: 1. Ryan air, the second airline in the United Kingdom, announced its intention to reduce the ability of winter in the UK by 16% compared to November of 2010, outlining the decision will result in the loss of over 2 million Passengers at airports across the UK during the winter of 2010 on a year-on year basis. (capa2010b). 2. New deal with sir stellos brand licensing ,easy brand not for flight,easyjet can use ther purpose aswell. new deal creates a lot opportunity for new ceo Carolyn mccall .she can go for cobranding, removing ancillary revenues(the so called 75:25 rule), â€Å"freedom for easyJet to lease-in non easyJet-branded aircraft to meet operational requirements within annual limits without the need for easyJet Group consent†,new product and new services.(capa2010c). Strategy 2: According to Sun Tzu art of war: â€Å"If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.† Strategy: 2 divided boards strategy. Its not a best strategy not when the dissenter controls nearly 40% of the voting stock (capa2010) Sir Stelios is used to make his way. He now argues for drawing on growth. In some ways it may be perfectly justified in seeking to improve his win by EasyJet, a company that has not paid any dividends money although it has generated considerable revenue from the IPO, as well as royalty payments. In this regard, his argument against the expansion only up batteries if a more static fleet would turn into immediate dividends and will continue to provide under Sir Stelios strategy slow growth. He probably did his homework, he believes (and other shareholders) would be the winners, if not in the long term, at least in the coming months. However, so far it seems to be still in the minority, as the company continues to occur. If following a public campaign as now seems likely it will surely be disruptive. A public war is not what every company needs. The company is difficult enough as it is. The board of directors and chief executive officer of the airline however insist that the growth agenda had been agreed before Stelios commonly alleged change tack probably because of the difficult situation. The Chairman, Sir Michael Rake, in a letter to shareholders on 18-May-2010, said: â€Å"The Board is both surprised and disappointed to find itself in a public debate over strategy as Sir Stelios and I had agreed principles of engagement in May 2009 specifically to avoid such situations. In the view of the Board there are simply no grounds for a dispute.† New CEO insisting Easyjet never paid dividend. Stelios rising question our rivals paying the dividend, why cant we do that? (Business week, 2010)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Strategy 3: (osama el kadi 2008) strategizing using sun tzu art war. About stunning growth : strategizing the easyjet pocess of negotions,sales and innovations.easy can develop the company international level with most sucessful.   Strategizing Wynn Ellis said that† EasyJet still has capacity to enlarge capacity 5 percent to 10 percent a year, an analyst at Numis Securities in London with a hold recommendation on the stock.McCall needs to weigh the interests of all shareholders in making her decisions and be prepared to stand up to Stelios if necessary. The U.K. market may be relatively mature but there are opportunities in overseas markets.† (Business week, 2010)   Easy jet share growing well in Europe (capa2010a).easyJet shares were up 1.3%, while airberlin was up 1.2%. Ryanair shares lost 0.4%, with the carrier reporting strong traffic growth. Aer Lingus shares dropped 1.3%.So mccall strategizing the company to make stunning growth   using this method. Conclusion: After resovling the dispute of brand licencing with sir stellos ,carolyn mccall got more support from shareholder; because the deal creates more corporate-governance flexibility in EasyJet decision making in future. She got bit releaxed achieveing deal with founder easy jet .now she has to concentrate set up the managemtment competence framework. If she follow servent leadership at this present.she can resolve all the conflict in organization easily get the way to obtain new corporate strategy to achive vision with orgnational I discussed in recommendation she can choose any one the strategy or both. My opinion she can go for diverfication and strategizing.because she is has strong negotion power(Sun Tzu: â€Å"The ultimate art of war is to restrain the opponent without fighting.†), sales techniquie (I can see her ability from gmg grop development , her vission and care about sustainability(gardian,2010)) and innovation. finally:mccall has to have answer for this que stion, what makes a business functioning in this sector victorious? While deciding diversification.

Understanding of Intersubjectivity and Life in Theodors Celms Philosophical Works :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

Understanding of Intersubjectivity and Life in Theodors Celm's Philosophical Works ABSTRACT: Theodors Celms (1893-1989), a prominent Latvian philosopher, was one of Husserl's best students. Intersubjectivity was an important theme in the "psychological" reading of phenomenology when Celm turned to the problem of the transcendental "I" and to a living-rather than logically defined-subject. Celms concluded that Husserl's phenomenology could not address the question of intersubjectivity because in the course of its development it merely substituted pluralistic solipsism for monistic solipsism. What is most essential in phenomenology-the process of sense (or meaning) formation-remains hardly noticed in Celms' work. Contemporary phenomenology has developed as a philosophy of new thinking-a phenomenology of life that can be applied in different ways toward solving various problems of intersubjectivity. Professor Theodors Celms (1893-1989) was the most prominent Latvian philosopher. He has published significant philosophical works in Latvian and German. His philosophical heritage is: "Der phà ¢nomenologische Idealismus Husserls", Riga, 1928; "Vom Wesen der Philosophie", Regensburg, 1930; "Lebensumgebung und Lebensprojektion", Leipzig, 1933; "Subjekt und Subjektivierung. Studien à ¼ber das subjektive Sein", Riga, 1943. All these works are republished now in Germany, under the title "Der phà ¤nomenologische Idealismus Husserls and andere Schriften", Verlag Peter Lang, 1993. In 1922-1925 Celms went to Germany and took up courses in philosophy conducted by Rickert and Husserl. Husserl recognized him as one of the best pupils in phenomenology. At the University of Freiburg he obtained the doctoral degree in philosophy. Later he became a research assistant in the "Deutsche Literaturzeitung fà ¼r Kritik der internationalen Wissenschaft". His main philosophical book on Husserl was translated in Spain, Madrid, 1931. This work has not lost significance up to this day. "Garland" in New Your in 1979 recognized it as important but no longer available book. Celms became famous as one of the deepest critics of Husserl's transcendental phenomenology, who tried to find a way out of the phenomenological discrepancies. In the thirties Celms wrote reviews in German on M. Heidegger's and M.Scheler's philosophies and published volumes in Latvian: "Tagadnes problà ¨mas" (The Problems of Today), Riga, 1934, and "Patiesà ¬ba un à ¸Ãƒ ¦itums" (Truth and Appearance), Riga, 1939 as well as separate articles in papers, magazines and encyclopaedias. The themes of Man, subject, life, consciousness, culture, society occupy a most prominent place in T.Celms philosophical articles and lectures in the University of Latvia. At the end of the Second World War Celms emigrated to Germany, then moved to the USA (1949).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Throughout history, industrialism by the west (i.e. England, France, and Spain) has led to many conflicts between them and the indigenous, native, people whom lived there. One indigenous group of people affected by western imperialism is the Native Americans in North America. The Europeans that settled onto the â€Å"New World† were confronted by Native Americans, and were faced with violent conflicts. These conflicts led to a belief that all Native Americans are savages as well as heathens (Democracy, 2012). This led to the Europeans to start to kill Native Americans, or kick them off of their land and place them onto reservations. Reservations were usually small and unusable land. But, other times, the chief was forced to sign treaties with the Europeans. These treaties usually stated that the Europeans had a right to be on the land, and if they were allowed to have some land as well as do colonize there, no conflict would occur. Yet, after the treaties were signed, the Europeans and Native Americans still had violent conflicts (Democracy, 2012). Today, there are very little Native Americans left in North America. Some of them are very poor, but some of them are rich due to the casinos they own within the reservations upon which they live. The treatment of these people original was harsh as well as cruel, and there is evidence of that today due to the low population of Native Americans within North America. Another group of indigenous people that have been wrongly treated is the native people of Africa. The indigenous people of Africa were taken over by Western European nations without them knowing. This was because, these western nations had all divided Africa into nations based on their natural resources at a meetin... ...a is also, in association with other organizations that are attempting to assist the aboriginal people of Australia (Australia, 2013). The Oxfam Australia organization has done much in the way of educating the continent of Australia, and the aboriginal youth within Australia, in order to make the aboriginal culture as a whole strong and to have a more satisfying life as well. Australia had been imperialized by the British for their natural resources, and had used the aboriginal people there as well. They took their land, their people’s lives and their way of life, for Britain’s own gain. The aboriginal population has gone down due to these events, but with the help of organizations like NACCHO, and Oxfam Australia, the aborigines are able to make an attempt to regrow their population. They will also, try to keep hold as well as reteach their cultural beliefs.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Poverty and Children in the United States Essay

Poverty can be hard to describe at times especially when involving children. â€Å"Last year, 35.9 million Americans – including 13 million children – lived in poverty† (de Leon, 2004). There is no need for these kinds of rates, especially when it comes to our children. Children in poverty are issues that cannot be ignored in today’s society. Over coming child poverty would take enormous energy and strength from everyone in the United States. â€Å"While we are the richest country, we rank highest in child poverty rates among rich nations† (Bezruchka, 2007). The thing that most people overlook is the insufficient nutrition along with unemployment and housing that is overcrowded. Some people like to believe that these children do not exist and everyone is happy and carefree. When in most cases there could be a child living in poverty next door. There are many low-income people in the United States; a huge number of them are children. â€Å"In 2003, the government classified 35.9 million men, women, and children—12.5 percent of the U.S. population—as poor† (Macionis, 2006). A person being poor is another word for a person being in poverty. Poverty can be defined in many ways, for example, inadequate income can make a family be below the poverty line. The home environment can also add to the poverty issue because, most homes that look in disrepair mean that the family living inside might not have the income to fix things. When a family is in the poverty zone they feel bad and inadequate which can make them unwilling to ask for help. This can be harmful to the children because they do not have a say when the adults need help. A child in poorer family can also have poor health due to inadequate healthcare and routine visits. Lower income families try to buy enough food for everyone but, this does not always carry the vitamins and nutrients a growing child needs. The nutritious and healthy food is not always low cost and can be hard for a low-income family to afford. A number of nutritious meals takes time to prepare and when guardians work all day they probably do not feel like or have time to cook a full course meal. For example, a single mother works in a pizza parlor to support her children, every night the owner lets her take a free pizza home, this is good to eat but does not supply the every day nutrients a child needs. A child who does not get adequate nutrition can suffer academically. Children who live in poverty endure hardships in academics, social problems and sometimes physical problems. Children who live in low-income homes are more likely to have problems in school, making friends and staying healthy. When children from lower income families attend school they can be ridiculed due to them not having the best clothes or the right supplies. This takes a toll on their self-esteem and socializing, the children will continue to be nervous about these things. The grades will sometimes show when a child has esteem issues or is too nervous to pay attention. Healthcare is a growing concern for children because most people cannot afford coverage and sometimes make too much for programs like the medical card. Without the right type of medical visits the child will suffer. Sicknesses like colds or the common flu can go undiagnosed which if bad enough can lead to serious health problems. Diseases like Attention Deficit Disorder also know as ADD which can be easily diagnosed by a doctor can be mistaken for misbehavior. Most parents without coverage wait until it is absolutely necessary to take the child to a doctor, which at time can be damaging. Some people would think that low-income children would not have weight issues but, they do, due to unhealthy eating habits. The numbers of children in the United States living in lower income families continues to grow.   The number of children living in poverty has increased by more than 11% between 2000 and 2005. There are 1.3 million more children living in poverty today than in 2000, despite indications of economic recovery and growth† (Fass and Cauthen, 2006). Most people want to believe since the economy is growing the poverty level is dropping but, it is not. Sure there are more jobs and higher paying jobs but these require training which is costly. The other thing to remember is this occurs when wages go up the merchandise goes up also. People tend to help children in other countries rather than help their own. There are many commercials about saving the children from disease and famine in other countries no one thinks about the children here. The number of children in poverty would fall if people would recognize the troubles in their own back yards. There are people who make millions from making movies or music and do not help the children in the U.S. They would rather have the publicity from adopting a child or donating money to children in another country. In all honesty how much of the donated money, in fact goes where it belongs. To aide in the costs of healthcare for children and elderly Medicaid and Medicare were formed. â€Å"The government’s most substantial — and most successful — involvement in health care came in 1965, when it created Medicare to help the elderly and Medicaid to help the poor† (2000). Medicare and Medicaid were brought about because people were going into debt for medical attention and most children could not afford medical treatment. Medicare is a health insurance program made for people over 65 and Medicaid, which is funded by federal and state governments, is for children who cannot afford coverage. As for the ones who do not qualify for either Medicaid or Medicare there is SCHIP which is for low to middle class families. â€Å"The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was established in 1997 to provide government-paid coverage for children whose parents aren’t poor enough to receive welfare and Medicaid† (2007). These programs made a drastic improvement upon poverty ratings in children because healthcare was made affordable. These are good things, but there are some problems with the plans and people do not qualify. Some medications are not approved to be covered along with needing tests done that have to wait for approval. There are cracks in the system as well, because the Department of Health and Human Resources does not take into the account the medicines family members are on and how much out-of-pocket cost they are covering. For example a family may bring in roughly eight hundred dollars a month and have to spend one third on medications. The DHHR just sees they make too much money to qualify for different types of assistance. However, for the most part Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP have made poverty levels in children decrease. The next thing to be reckoned with was bills and finances. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families helps with the financial responsibilities of the household. TANF is for families with children who have no income or ways of supporting themselves. The amount received depends on the size of the family, but only covers two children and two adults total. TANF is there for when a family looses a job or becomes unable to perform job related tasks anymore. Welfare assistance such as TANF now has a limit to how long a family can receive assistance. This limit is 60 months, which can be spread out, used only when needed or for 5 years straight. Food Stamps aide in the families food needs, these pay for food only. Like TANF there is a set income level to receive these. The Food Stamp program was first started as a type of supplement, a person would buy stamps with cash and use them in a store but, they would be worth more than what the person had paid in cash. Later on the food stamps became free to qualifying families. This means food stamps no longer had to be bought, a family just had to meet certain income requirements. There are a number of people currently receiving food stamps because the cap for income is high, which helps a number of families out with purchasing food. There is no limit to how long a family can receive food stamps as long as they continue to qualify. A regular yet harmful part of the welfare system is that some of the public which do not try have a tendency to take the low road and receive assistance when the assistance is not needed. While other people put forth immense effort to make an honest livelihood end up paying taxes to help maintain the welfare system. Some people believe that the food stamp program has made it too easy on some people to sit around and does nothing while collecting TANF and food stamps, but for the people who truly need it they are wrong. There are many people who go to welfare for assistance who truly need help for a short time while they get back on their feet. There are also people who are temporarily disabled, parents who have lost their counter part and have nowhere else to turn for financial help, or other unforeseen circumstances, these are the people who need these types of assistance. However, for the people who take advantage of these systems they make things harder for the people who need help. Low-income families with children need these services in order to survive; some make it difficult for them. Without the help from agencies child poverty would continue to rise drastically. Child poverty in the United States is high right now but guesses how high the rates would be without programs like TANF, Medicaid, Medicare, and food stamps. Low-income children would be unhealthy and without the minimal requirements needed to sustain normal life. Even though there have been improvements to the programs which help children in poverty there is still a long way to go. Sometimes children fall through the cracks because they are right on the cusp and do not qualify for government assistance or have enough income or medical coverage. Policies need to be changed and assistance groups should look over qualifications better. The responsibility of the United States residents is high because these children who live in poverty is our future and need to be taken care of. People in the United States need to take better care of their own and worry less about what is going on in other countries. References Bezruchka, Stephen (2007, April 29). Give U.S. Children Our Best; Poor Report Card On Child Health Should Be Our Call To Action: [FINAL Edition]. Seattle Post – Intelligencer, p. J1 Retrieved February 03, 2008, from Business Dateline database. (Document ID: 1262409031). Fass Sarah and Nancy K. Cauthen (December, 2006). Who are America’s Poor Children? Retrieved February 03, 2008, from Macionis, J. (2006). Society: The basics (8th Ed.). P.216 Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.